Kristina Michele Martens, originally hailing from San Diego, CA, relocated to Bellingham in September 2016 with the objective of immersing herself in a closely-knit community dedicated to fostering positive change across various spheres, ranging from addressing climate change to advancing racial equity. During the summer of 2020, Kristina collaborated with communities throughout the city, leading rallies for racial justice that garnered the participation of over 5,000 individuals. Motivated by the momentum of protests and policy reforms observed nationwide, Kristina embarked on co-founding the development of the Whatcom Racial Equity Commission.
In a historic achievement in November 2021, Kristina became the first Black woman ever elected to the Bellingham City Council. She embraced this honor as an opportunity to introduce a new voice and a unique perspective to conversations aimed at enhancing our community. Presently, Kristina operates her own private consulting firm, eagerly anticipating collaborations with entities and businesses to transform their aspirations into reality.